WG Mission Updated

As a result of the discussions during the Winter Meeting in Hasselt, we updated the mission statement for the Working Group. Please check, in particular, the updated topic list and contact us if you are interested in joining the discussion!
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Announcing the HCI-Engineering Education Workshop 2023

The HCI-E2 2023 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education (for developers, designers and more) aims at identifying, examining, structuring and sharing educational resources and approaches to support the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Engineering. The workshop will be collocated with INTERACT 2023. In recent years, the range of interactive techniques and applications has broadened considerably and can be expected to grow even further in the future. While new interaction techniques offer the prospect of improving the usability and user experience of interactive systems, they pose new challenges, not only for methods and tools that can support their design, development, and evaluation in a systematic engineering-oriented manner, but also to the designers and developers who must use them. Examples of interactive applications include mobile systems, wearable medical devices, safety and mission critical…
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Announcing the HCI-Engineering Education 2022 workshop

The HCI-E2 2022 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education (for developers, designers and more) aims at identifying, examining, structuring and sharing educational resources and approaches to support the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Engineering. The workshop will be collocated with EICS 2022. (more…)
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Announcing the Management of Risks and Benefits when Engineering Interactive Digital Systems workshop

Traditionally, most UX designers, computer scientists and software engineers have not had to consider risks to the public from using their systems. However, the current evolution of digital systems in terms of the increasing number of users, their growing complexity and the pervasiveness of Artificial Intelligence techniques allow common HCI designers and engineers to build systems that create risks for the individual, groups of people, or event to the entire society. In this workshop, we aim at collecting the views and the current practice in the management of the risks and benefits in the engineering of interactive digital systems. Such a view will draw the way for new research, methods, and tools to incorporate the risk analysis into the current engineering and design practices.
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