
WG Mission Updated

As a result of the discussions during the Winter Meeting in Hasselt, we updated the mission statement for the Working Group. Please check, in particular, the updated topic list and contact us if you are interested in joining the discussion!
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Winter Meeting in Hasselt (Feb 24)

The IFIP WG 2.7 / 13.4 on UI Engineering met at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) facilities in Hasselt for the winter working meeting. The group members participating in the meeting The group discussed reframing its activities and agreed on an updated mission statement, including topics related to issues and opportunities of applying AI technologies for building interactive systems and in all phases of their engineering. (more…)
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Live Talk, November 2023: Fabio Paternò

Live Talks
We are happy to announce the fourth seminar of the Engineering Live Talk series. Live talks are bimonthly webinars given by a member of the IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 or by an invited expert. Group members will participate in the online meetings, while the live stream on YouTube will be publicly available. This month, the talk will be given by Fabio Paternò. The talk explores the challenges of human control in a world of IoT and AI, focusing on innovative ways to empower users to manage automation in their daily lives without programming skills. The talk will be given on the 30th of November, 15:00 CET.The link to attend is the following: Humanations: A new understanding of human/automation interaction How people interact with digital technologies is currently caught between the…
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Live Talk, September 2023: Davide Spano

Live Talks
The IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 is happy to announce the third seminar of the Engineering Live Talk series. Live talks are bimonthly webinars given by a group member or by an invited expert. Group members will participate in the online meetings, while the live stream on YouTube will be publicly available. This month, the talk will be given by the WG chair, Davide Spano. The talk is about the research effort carried out in his group to support end-users and novice programmers in creating XR environments, in particular for defining their interactive behaviour. The talk will be given on the 28th of September, 15:30 CET.The link to attend is the following: Easing XR Development for Novices and End Users This talk discusses a rule-based approach for enabling end-users and novice…
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Live Talk, July 2023: Jürgen Ziegler

Live Talks
We are happy to announce a new Live Talk in the UI-Engineering Live Talks series. Live talks are bimonthly webinars given by a group member or by an invited expert. Group members will participate in the online meetings, while the live stream on YouTube will be publicly available. For the second episode of the series, prof. Jürgen Ziegler will introduce us to the issues of designing and engineering conversational recommender systems. The talk will be given on the 20th of July, 15:30 CET.The link to attend is the following: Design and engineering issues in conversational recommender systems Conversational interaction techniques have gained significant traction in recent years, mainly due to the advances in language technologies. In line with these developments, conversational recommender systems (CRS) have also been gaining increasing…
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Célia Martinie gives the first UI-Engineering Live Talk

Live Talks
We are glad to announce the launch of a new activity of the IFIP WG 2.7/13.4: the UI-Engineering Live Talks. The group will organize a bimonthly webinar given by a group member or by an invited expert. Group members will participate in the online meetings, while the live stream on YouTube will be publicly available. Our group member Célia Martinie will give the inaugural talk on the 26th of May at 14:00 CET. The link to attend is the following: Considering modelling techniques in HCI engineering education Teaching HCI requires to take into account the field’s diverse perspectives (e.g. interaction design, human factors, software development…), as well as its constant state of change (e.g. new contexts, new devices, new programming languages…). Teaching HCI engineering particularly focuses on preparing students…
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Announcing the HCI-Engineering Education Workshop 2023

The HCI-E2 2023 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education (for developers, designers and more) aims at identifying, examining, structuring and sharing educational resources and approaches to support the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Engineering. The workshop will be collocated with INTERACT 2023. In recent years, the range of interactive techniques and applications has broadened considerably and can be expected to grow even further in the future. While new interaction techniques offer the prospect of improving the usability and user experience of interactive systems, they pose new challenges, not only for methods and tools that can support their design, development, and evaluation in a systematic engineering-oriented manner, but also to the designers and developers who must use them. Examples of interactive applications include mobile systems, wearable medical devices, safety and mission critical…
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Announcing the HCI-Engineering Education 2022 workshop

The HCI-E2 2022 Workshop on HCI Engineering Education (for developers, designers and more) aims at identifying, examining, structuring and sharing educational resources and approaches to support the process of teaching/learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Engineering. The workshop will be collocated with EICS 2022. (more…)
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